

It's my personal soapbox, a place for me to express thoughts and feelings, musings and rants, reflections and recollections; to have fun with words -- about things spiritual, environmental, social, political, economic, and, from time to time, personal. And of course about peace. Soapboxes are in public places (as London's legendary Hyde Park) on purpose, and so I invite conversations with you, for it is through civil discourse that we can gain some perspective on the seeming chaos of these changing times and learn together how to shape a positive future for ourselves, our communities, and the generations to come.

Friday, April 19, 2019

All-Systems Change for Life

Buckminster Fuller famously said: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Well, maybe not “never.” Sometimes it does help to give the existing reality a nudge or two. But that alone, while possibly causing change, will not necessarily bring about life-enhancing change. In this time of all-systems breakdown and breakthrough, The Next System Project is doing just that, coming up with holistic, systemic, ideas for how we might evolve our human-created systems to be more in alignment with Earth, with Life.

And as an added surprise bonus (surprise to me, anyway), while searching for Bucky’s quote above, I stumbled upon the following, which rings true and sings to my heart:

I live on Earth at present,
and I don't know what I am.
I know that I am not a category.
I am not a thing -- a noun.
I seem to be a verb,
an evolutionary process --
an integral function of the universe.
--- R. Buckminster Fuller

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